Tasks, lower your workload and start running company with the help of tasks
Organize work with distributing tasks
Do you spend a lot of time with organizing employees and distributing work among them? If answer is yes acronx is the solution to your problem. Tasks module can help you to organize your work in advance. It will keep all your tasks visible on calendar, you can quickly track the responsible person and reminder of upcoming task is automatically sent to responsible person.
They can be created from almost any module
Creation of reminders and notifications
Delegation of tasks becomes fast and easy
Option of sending tasks with Mail or SMS
Sending reminders over Mail or SMS
Detailed description of the module
Example of use
For example if we take a look in the mechanical workshop. Mechanic could use CRM to store customer data and create tasks for them when they come to schedule a meeting. That task would book them an appointment at a certain time and date and would be visible on the calendar.
In the next step, mechanic could create a reminder for himself, so he won't forget the new task on his list. Mechanic can use tasks as a way to distribute work in a case if the workshop has more than one mechanic.
Mechanic can also create automated reminders which are sent to the customer on a specified date to remind them of their appointment.
List of tasks
Upon entering a module you are given a list of your tasks, which are filtered on completed and uncompleted.
Like views in any other module of Acronx, this one can be customized too.
Reminders and Notifications
Reminders on tasks can be created in complex and precise ways to accommodate all your needs and tasks can be sent to your target in three different ways. They can be sent internally over Acronx, if the creator and target of the task both use the software. Second way to send a task is by mail and third is to send it by SMS.
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