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The Tasks module is designed for organizing activities that require attention from company employees. While its fundamental purpose may seem simple and straightforward, the module itself is robust and rich in functionality. Its utility is enhanced as it synergizes with other modules, concealing numerous valuable features. This versatile tool allows users to store tasks, assign them to employees, designate the relevant customer, send reminders via email or SMS, display tasks on calendars or planners, issue notifications, and store associated files.

Pending and completed tasks

In the menu, positioned directly under the dashboard, you can observe observe red and green circles with numbers within the same bar. These represent the counts of pending and over due tasks for the current CRM user.
task notifications

General, after save and additional widgets

General widget is the core of a task. It contains general data needed to create a task.
assignable tasks
Upon saving task, two additional widgets show up. Task is related to and reminder widget. 
assignable tasks
Additional widgets can be added to the task layout in the layout builder, which can be accessed through the administration.
assignable tasks

Tasks in other modules

For a comprehensive overview of tasks, access the calendar or planner. In the calendar, create a custom view by clicking "Create," selecting to display tasks, and defining the parameters. Accurately filter the view using various filters. After completing the setup, click "Add Calendar" and ensure it is activated in the list of calendars.
tasks on calendar view
Tasks can also be observed in the planning module, located in the organization section of the menu. This module allows for the observation and addition of tasks, with a focus on date and assigned users. It proves particularly useful when assigning tasks, providing the ability to check user availability.
tasks on calendar view

Create new task

To add a new task, select "Add Task".
create tasks

Task assignee and assigned customers

Designate the employee responsible for the task. Assigning an employee triggers a notification to inform them of their responsibility. 
tasks with reminders
For tasks assigned to multiple employees, use the "Attached Users" widget and click the "Add User" button.
tasks with reminders
"Task is Related To" widget is where connections to other documents and customers can be established. Customers added here can also receive notifications and reminders regarding the task.
tasks with reminders


Reminders are for facilitating the automation and scheduling of notifications through various channels.
tasks module instructions
To add a reminder, click "Add," select the notification to be sent, fill in the title, define the recipient, and choose the reminder type. For more intricate sending options, set the reminder to "Complex" and configure the necessary parameters. 
tasks module instructions
Note that the recipient can also be a customer, added in a separate widget.
tasks module instructions
After completion, click "Save" to add the reminder.
tasks module

Notification template

Creating a reminder requires the use of a notification template. To get started, navigate to the administration section and access the Notification Template Builder to craft a personalized template.
tasks module

Changing status

When user completes the task, he can open it on the list of tasks and mark it as complete.
tasks module