Seize and control your opportunities with opportunity module.

Seize every opportunity you come across
When company comes to life and orders start rolling in, keeping track of everything can become a real hassle. It can quickly happen that you forget on some customers and lose them forever. Well keeping track of things will not be a problem with help from opportunity module.
Filtering of opportunities
Easy data transmission
Easy creation of reports
Enables thorough analysis of opportunities
receive business opportunity
Technical specifications of the module
Data gathering
This module is a gathering place for opportunities collected over all of the companies channels (website, telephone, live chat, mail…). Those gathered over the web forms can even be collected and stored automatically.
Module is a great help as you can keep track of all your customer demands and process them in a more organized way.

Transmission of data to other modules
Opportunity module can be used for a simple creation of new customers, generation of orders, creation of tasks and direct generation of invoices.

Use of opportunity module for analysis
Module becomes very useful when you are making an analysis of your business processes. You can calculate your retention rate and figure out why you are losing potential customers. You can identify high and low performing employees, to see who deserves a bonus and who needs more training. You can analyze customer channels and identify high performers. That definitely makes the decision on which marketing channel to finance somewhat easier.
business opportunity
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