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Custom fields

The Custom Fields module significantly enhances the adaptability and flexibility of your company's platform. This module allows users to create bespoke widgets containing custom fields, which can then be integrated across various platform modules using the Layout Builder.

New custom fields widget

  • Click the 'New Custom Fields' button.
  • In the prompt, provide a name, description, and specify if fields will source data from external providers.
  • Click 'Add Group' to proceed.
custom fields
  • General Information Widget: Provides basic widget details.
  • Model Widget: Define the platform modules where the widget will be utilized.
  • Fields Widget: This is where actual widget construction begins.
custom fields

Field creation steps

      • Name the field, which also generates a unique field key for connecting custom fields.
      • Choose the data type (text, integer, decimal, select, toggle, or date).
      • Depending on the type, additional options appear:
        • Text: Options for required fields, placeholders, text visualization, and maximum length.
        • Integer/Decimal: Set placeholders, minimum, and maximum values.
        • Select: Attach a pre-prepared codelist, required fields, and placeholders.
        • Toggle: Add a description.
        • Date: Options for required fields and placeholders.
    • External Providers: For integration with external sources like Bisnode or Pantheon, establish a connection using a provider key.
    • Default Connection: This feature allows filling a custom field with data from another custom field. Set up an original custom field, enable the default connection, and define the path to the original field.
custom fields