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User groups

The User Groups module serves as a crucial tool for creating distinct sets of permissions known as roles. These roles can then be assigned to users, streamlining the process of determining the specific rights and accesses applicable to each user.

Creating a rule group

To add a new permission group, users can simply click on the "Add Role" button. They are prompted to provide a name and description for the role before proceeding to the Group Builder. The Group Builder interface comprises two widgets: the first enables the addition of new users, while the second allows the definition of permissions and accesses. Permissions are robust and can be highly specific, requiring careful consideration to avoid inadvertently restricting interconnected functionalities. Users can grant access to group members by selecting the relevant checkboxes next to each permission.

user group permissions

Setting scopes

For certain modules, users can enhance permissions further by utilizing scopes. Scopes essentially function as filters, enabling more precise definition of a permission's scope. Take task permissions, for instance: in a scenario where multiple users interact with a tasks module, initially, everyone might have visibility into each other's tasks. To refine this, users can implement a scope for tasks and set specific filters. For example, users may configure the system to ensure that individuals only see tasks assigned to them.

task view permissions

General scopes

Notably, this level of task-specific filtering is automatically applied in every new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) instance. It is integrated into the permission group for users, ensuring that adding members to the group results in each user only seeing tasks assigned to them. Careful consideration and planning are crucial when leveraging these functionalities to avoid unintentional restrictions on user access.

giving permissions