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Integrations with external providers
Basic modules
Advanced modules
Additional modules


Acronx is an adjustable customer relations management system, that serves as a tool for monitoring company business processes and automatization of tasks.

Its main advantage is adaptability to individual needs of different businesses. Modules (customers, invoices, advanced invoices, travel orders,…), which are part of Acronx can be arbitrarily adjusted for a better optimization of your work processes.  

You are able to adjust:

  • Individual modules (with adding ready to use or custom widgets)
  • Complete dashboard (it displays data for a quick business overview)
  • Custom reports (it offers a wide variety of data, which can be used to make custom reports)
  • Views (set up custom views for quick access to data)
  • Documents edit (All documents can be quickly edited with MS word)
  • Custom fields (set up arbitrary fields for input of words, numbers, code lists select, toggle and date. Custom fields can be added as widgets to all modules and used as any other data in Acronx.)

Modules that make business easy

Basic crm license

Under the basic license scheme CRM already includes all modules, that a young company needs for conducting its basic business processes.  
